Each orchestra plays a crucial part in developing our musicians’ skills and technique through various degrees of training. Together, our goal is to provide our musicians with a love of orchestral music that they will carry with them all of their lives.
Symphony Orchestra
The Symphony Orchestra (“SO”) is the most advanced ensemble in our program, working on serious classical repertoire. The music performed is exactly the same as a professional orchestra. SO has a responsibility to present the best programs to the public and provide a variety of styles for the students. Skills developed by SO members are a variety of expression, acute sense of dynamic contrast and matching tone color throughout sections along with a professional sense of phrasing.
Concert Orchestra
The Concert Orchestra (“CO”) is the intermediate ensemble at TYS. Most of the winds, brass, and percussion players in CO have never played in an orchestra, and many of the string players have never played in a full symphony orchestra. CO works diligently on acclimating musicians to play in a full orchestra, while also working on balance/blend of all the instruments’ textures; intonation; well-defined rhythmic structure; and performing with a high degree of musical integrity. CO provides musicians with a solid introduction to playing in a full orchestra that will set them up for playing higher-level orchestral literature.
Preparatory Orchestra
The Preparatory Orchestra (“PO”) is an introductory string ensemble designed to help young students gain experience working at a high level in an orchestral ensemble. The musicians are expected to prepare the music so rehearsals can be focused towards learning how to play in an ensemble while matching tone, style and balance. Students who participate in PO become well prepared to take auditions for the Concert and Symphony Orchestras.